Culture,  Faith

What Do We Do Now?

No matter who you are, what you believe, or where you live, surely you are aware, even alarmed at the changes in our culture in just one year.  And, if you are not, may I sound the alarm?  I am a Christian and from a Christian viewpoint, much of what is happening is horrifying and gratifying all at the same time.  How can that be?


As I Christian, I do not support nor believe most of what the current “presidential” administration is doing is right, good or in the best interests of people in general, our nation as a whole, or the world at large.  Regardless of what I believe, it is a fact that most of the legislation and executive orders are in staunch opposition to what the Bible defines as good.

On a foundational level, no matter what religion you are or are not, there is an undeniable loss of freedom for all of us.  This loss of freedom may not affect you right now, because you happen to agree with or be oblivious to what is going on, but wait until you do not agree.  This is a HISTORICAL problem that has marked Marxist, Totalitarian, and Communist takeovers forever.  So, if you do not see it or you think it is OK, you are blind at best and irresponsible at worst.

So, that is the horrifying part in a very condensed form.  Could we discuss all the horrors for hours each day?  Yes.  I am not doing that today.

Gratifying and Amazing

It is both gratifying and amazing to read about all of this in the Bible.  God wrote about ALL of this.   Seriously if you have taken the Bible as some pie in the sky hope for those of us that want to avoid Hell, you need to pick it up and read it for yourself. 

God not only knew these things would happen, but the Bible told of all of this thousands of years ago!   Though it is hard to watch, we can be assured that God is still in control.  In fact, it unfortunately has to happen.  It is hard to watch, but simultaneously awesome to see God’s prophecies actually come to fruition in my lifetime.

In addition, the Bible speaks over and over again about enemies, about those who oppress on all sides.  Until now, I had no identification with those words.  I don’t have enemies.  I am pretty easy going, and in my heart of hearts I really enjoy people of all ages, races, and backgrounds.  Who would ever be my enemy?  

Now, I know.  It seems that I my Christian beliefs, regardless of my character, regardless of my good works or love for others, will make me an enemy of those in power. 

This truth is both horrifying and amazing when you process it in light of scripture.

So, what are we to do? 

Many will crumble. 

Many will compromise. 

Many won’t want to face the conflict.  Conflict is uncomfortable and be assured, we as Americans certainly do not want to be uncomfortable.  Most of us struggle with dirt in our homes, running out of our favorite adult beverage, waiting too long in the food line, indeed actually having to cook a meal, and please don’t suggest we should walk somewhere rather than drive.  We are addicted to ease and comfort and I fear that we will give up the fight for what is true in the name of having what we want and what keeps us comfortable.

May we not be one of the “many.”

Some will be resolute.  Their foundation will be proved solid, their faith so woven into the fabric of their being and their hope that nothing will shake them.

Luke 9:51 says of Jesus, “As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set our for Jerusalem.”

Jesus is our example.  In the face of persecution, in the face of hatred, in the face of a gruesome death that he was 100% sure would come, he was resolute, admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering in what he was sent here to do.  He was sent to die in our place and that is what he did.

The Bible says over and over again that we will suffer for our faith, that people hated him and that we too will be hated on account of Him.  This is not a surprise to the Lord, and though it has seemed a strange concept for us until now, I pray we prepare ourselves.   I pray that God will help us to encourage one another, to edify one another with His word that we may holdfast to and be resolute to His truth in all circumstances.

Gird up your loins.

Put on your armor.

The battle is at hand.  Take heart however, though it must be fought, it has already been won!

We have graciously been given the opportunity to witness the divine even if it doesn’t look like we hoped or planned; it is still part of the plan, and God’s plans are always better than ours.

Resolute is my word for the year, by the way.  It is my prayer for you and for me.  The definition of resolute is admirably purposeful, determined and unwavering.  Know the Word.  Know the Lord.  Be unashamedly determined and unwavering in His purpose for you.  May you be admired by the only One who matters.

Be resolute my friends…..

In His love,
