A Defense of Why I Will Vote Republican: Introduction
I recently made some posts on Facebook that were, of course, controversial. I have gotten reprimanded, or “corrected,” by Christians and non-Christians alike. At first it irritated me, but then it motivated me. If I am going to vote Republican and attempt to persuade any one on any of this, I need to be able to defend that position Biblically.
This is my defense. It will come in parts as I get through each issue.
Basic Assumptions
- I am not judging your Christianity or that of any candidate, Presidential or otherwise. We are all sinners and I am not here to judge one person’s sin against another because God hates all sin. What I will be doing, however, is looking at the policies they support and how they align or do not align with the Bible.
- I believe in the trinity of the Bible: God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I believe Jesus died for our sins and rose again to conquer death. We have all sinned, and this is our greatest problem. Short of heaven, this will always be the problem, not a problem, but THE problem.
- In light of the above, I believe God is Sovereign, and our hope is not in this world. As believers we are citizens of heaven and that is our hope. With this in mind, “we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28
No matter what happens, Gods purposes will prevail and I am content with whatever He allows. I do not live in fear, nor should you, but that does mean that we, as believers, are not called to contend for that which we believe would most honor God which is what I will be doing here.
I will tell you that I am not the most politically educated person. I will be learning a lot as we go, and you can learn right along with me. Over the years, since the world has not been too tumultuous, I have not paid much attention and consequently have forgotten much of what I learned in school about government.
Take it our leave it, but share this and future posts if you think they are true or valuable. I purposefully started this blog site because the social media outlets are censoring what is posted according to the agenda of the left. I am sure you have noticed that certain opinions are not “tolerated” anymore even in a world of “tolerance.” After I post a few of these, I would guess my reach will be significantly reduced, so if it is valuable, you will likely need to help me with distribution.
All of our choices as believers should be held up to the Bible. When we prioritize life, if we truly believe in the Almighty, all-powerful, all knowing and wise God, then it is only fitting, only right to look to God’s word for direction.
Scriptural Basis
In the book of Matthew, the Pharisees “tested him (Jesus) with this question: ‘Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?’
Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
The Bible can be confusing to read, but Jesus makes it pretty simple here.
Love God with all of your heart and with all of your soul and with all of your mind.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
This is our starting point. Here we go.
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