
Biblical Literacy

It can be hard to determine what is reliable and what is not in terms of Biblical commentary. While I am not a trained Pastor or Preacher, the Bible is for us all and we can all be discerning if we stay in the Word and then compare what we read to what God says. We can know that a source is not reliable if it contradicts the Bible in any way. What follows are some websites, blogs, podcasts and authors that I have used over the years and continue to trust. This site allows you to put in just about any question regarding the Bible. I find it to be Biblically sound and when there is a gray area, they are very good at presenting scripture for both. This site will teach you anything from who wrote Romans to the difference between Sadducees and Pharisees to what is meant by a specific verse. This website was founded by John Piper. You will be hard pressed to find a man more after God’s heart than John Piper. Most of the articles are written by his staff, but most of the sermons are his. He also has a feature called “Look at the Book” where he dissects and explains a short passage of scripture. Another great thing he does is “Ask Pastor John” where he answers general questions submitted by listeners. This is an excellent resource and it will point you to other excellent resources. He is also an author and I would recommend any of his books.

Heidi St John: Heidi has my favorite podcast, The Busy Mom. It is by far my favorite. I have listened to Heidi for at least 2 years and I would say she is one huge reason this site exists for you. As the name suggests, this podcast is aimed more at moms and while she does offer great Biblical teaching, I would say the focus is a bit less on teaching and more on doing which I think is much needed ESPECIALLY in the 2020 looney land we seem to be living in. Heidi is a homeschooling mom of 7, an author, podcaster, public speaker, political activist, and her husband was in full time ministry for 20 years (I think.) She is bold in her faith even in the face of fear (I believe that would be defined as courage), in her action and she always goes back to the Word. (And secretly, I want to be just like her.) #offthebench


This could also be considered politics, but it is a bit broader. As I mentioned in my About page, I cannot sit by and say nothing while we are actively encouraged to believe and live by lies, deception and hate all the while being bullied if we do not agree to those lies. Our children are actively and secretly being targeted through the media, the public schools, planned parenthood and other Marxist organizations. Did you know that? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t. I stuck my head in the sand for a long time but no longer. It is time to wake up so here are some resources to help you with that.

The Epoch Times: Subscribe to and read The Epoch Times. It is hard to find real information. I constantly feel like the facts are being misrepresented, twisted, and used for an agenda. The Epoch Times has shed light on so many questions I have. What is Antifa, who and when did it start. What is Black Lives Matter and should I support it? (No.) Plus, it encourages me that other people of all races agree with me. Those of us who hold traditional Christian values and love America and respect it’s heroes are not in the minority nor are we wrong. On top of all of that, they have great lifestyle topics on homeschooling, health, aging and more. READ IT. You will not regret it. They often run specials to get your first month for $1 or you can private message me and I can send you a referral e-mail. That way I get some free months too. Either way, you need to start reading this now.

Albert Mohler: My friends Jenn and Tony introduced me to Albert Mohler about a month ago. It is certainly true that your friends will either steer you into truth or away and I am thankful to be surrounded by a lot of friends who are earnestly read God’s word and strive to live accordingly. Albert is the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary among other titles. He is also a minister, writer, and intellectual so you will find tons of resources from him. One that I have found especially helpful is “The Briefing”. It is a daily commentary on culture from a Biblical worldview. I really like him because he is REALLY intelligent, logical and direct.

The Black Lives Matter Movement: Unless you are a Marxist, hate America, and do not believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, you should not be supporting black lives matter, the organization. The statement that black lives matter is absolutely true, but the organization is using your emotions surrounding this statement to blind you into submission regarding the rest of their agenda. Albert Mohler wrote a great article on this topic and I could not say it any better. You can read it here:

Kids Are Being Targeted: There is a lot under this section but let’s start with Comprehensive Sex Education, coming to a school near you! And, no, this isn’t a good thing.

Heidi St John Podcast: and also this one

Matt Walsh:

Education: Adult

This section is a mixed bag. As a homeschooling mom, I have realized all the things I forgot or never learned. In addition, much the items in this section can also all under culture. One basic thing to remember is that we all need to be seeking out truth for ourselves. DO NOT rely on a text book to tell you your rights. Read the Constitution. Read the Bill of Rights. Do not rely on what a Pastor or anyone tells you about God. Read the Bible and get to know God for your self. If you hear a statistic in the media, you either need to find a reliable source who researches that statistic OR you have to research it yourself, unfortunately…..because, well, people lie and distort things for their own agenda and benefit.

The Constitution of the United States: I have to admit, I have never read this myself. I have relied on what everyone else has told me. That is no good. You are smart, read it for yourself. Here are a few links you can use.