Stay In the Fight
The battle that is waging right now is fierce, at least it is in my little circle. I would guess that if you are a Christ follower, you feel the battle too. It seems that in every sphere, evil is invading, chaos is creeping in, and my first inclination is to escape, to retreat as quickly as possible to my life of ease and comfort.
For our real “struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
I did not sign up for any of this and It seems WAY too hard to deal with, quite honestly.
I would like to remind God that I signed up for the “blessed” path, the life of comfort and joy, ease, and tranquility not a bloody, messy, chaotic battlefield.
Thankfully, I just read the book of Job and am reminded of who God is and that as much as I want to be, I am not in charge. His ways are higher than my ways, and I can trust and obey even in the hardest of times.
Yet, it seems at every turn there is a struggle; in my marriage, in my parenting, at my children’s school, sometimes at my church, and certainly in my very own thoughts, choices, and propensity to sin, not to mention the very basic reality that our culture cannot even recognize simple truths.
Quite honestly, it is discouraging and overwhelming to the point of wanting to give up. How about I just fade into the background and do what is “right for me” as the world has taught us all. I’ll just give in to all the sins that I enjoy, I’ll give up on anything good in my marriage when it isn’t “making me happy” or I don’t feel like it is fair. I will certainly give up on my church if my pastor sins or if I am just not “enjoying” the messages anymore. Don’t get me started on my kid’s school, but while we are at it, why don’t I just throw in people in general.
Why don’t they have common sense, and why don’t they live up to my expectations? What is the point of even having relationships or working on community or building others up just so they can disappoint us? Life would be a lot easier if I just gave up on people.
Maybe I am alone, but there are days when all this is alluring.
Yet can we remember whose team we are on? Nothing would make Satan happier dear friend than for us to give up. This is exactly what he wants. He wants to keep us discouraged, get us to quit and then encourage those around us to do the same.
Oh, but God. God not only sees the darkness and the struggle we are all facing right now but has allowed it AND created you for this very time! His light can and will shine brightest in the darkness.
This is our Noah moment; this is our Moses moment.
These are our Esther and Joseph moments.
This is our time to stand firm.
Will you be a Noah, a Moses, an Esther, or a Joseph, or will you fade into the background never to play the divine role for which God has created you? Are we going shrink back in the time of testing and take a quiet but disastrous seat at the table of demons, or will we choose to stay with the Lord?
“You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too.” 1 Corinthians 10:21
Be encouraged today friend. I write this because some days, most days feel too much for me too. I want to shrink back and do all the meaningless things that will cost me nothing and bring me the temporary comfort that THIS world offers.
Let us remember to be in the word of God as much as possible and to put ourselves in the presence of the people of God that we may be encouraged AND that we may encourage one another.
These struggles are exactly what we tell our children will make them better, and this truth holds true for us as well! We are children too, children of the most high God. Do not give up; continue to trust in the Lord and remain faithful and obedient.
There is a battle, and you and I are warriors together for the Lord. Please read that again and be reminded that this isn’t all about you or me. I get WAY too wrapped up in me and what is in it for me. On a team or in battle, you are not just fighting for your own win. If you shrink back, you will have deserted a bunch of people who were counting on you, who God has asked you to build up. We are a team. We are a royal priesthood, a holy nation fighting a spiritual battle that matters. I certainly do not want to be the cowardly warrior who is known for leaving my deserting my people.
“But my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.”
Stay in the fight. The Lord is with us and the world is watching. Stand strong, be encouraged my fellow warrior. There is no pleasure in shrinking back. With the Lord on our side, we are all capable of more than we can ever dream or imagine.